We are the seeds of change
An Attempt To Define The Who
We are a diverse network of change-makers, visionaries, artists, farmers, and localized community members sharing ideas, design strategies, working models, and living examples of ecocentric interdependence, sovereignty, true belonging, and healing justice on all scales. We are everyone who holds in their hearts that a more beautiful and just world is possible. We are all those who feel the pain of what our world has become and are not afraid to look at the shadows, to heal our wounds, and to collaboratively forge a new path forward that combines ancient ways of knowing with creative modern innovation. We are all those seeking communal spaces safe and brave enough to allow ourselves to be seen and to choose to see one another. We are SEEDS of change ready to cultivate that which lies dormant within each of us as a gift to the sprouting of the life-affirming future world that we know is possible.
Alia Yarrow
Alia is a Core Founder of SEEDS and a visionary architect of more beautiful worlds. She tends the fertile intersection of individual healing, cultural development, and ecological stewardship. She weaves together the diverse threads of her background as a licensed therapist, restorative justice and anti-oppression cultural facilitator, permaculturalist, rites-of-passage guide, novice energy healer, poet, and cultural visionary. Alia has applied this breadth of experience to offering holistic therapeutic services, facilitating group learning and justice spaces, guiding earth-based rites-of-passage, and helping sprout hubs of place-based human culture.
Hayden Shaw
Hayden is Core Founder of SEEDS and a wild visionary of collective ecocentric evolution. He is an experienced circle-holder and ceremonial guide. He is trained as a nature-based soul guide and permaculturalist. He is self-taught in ontological design processes, philosophy, primal movement, and evolutionary astrology. Hayden integrates these versatile modalities into his work as an evolutionary catalyst, striving to help root visionary ideas into tangible forms in service to the wellbeing of life and consciousness now and into the future.
Eric Roig
Eric is a SEEDS Ambassador who is experienced and passionate about regenerative agriculture, localized food sovereignty, and growing systems of resilience. He brings an educational background in sustainable agriculture and engineering, as well as a passion and commitment for showing up consistently for the day-to-day necessities that keep a vision growing into form. He is a new father, deeply motivated to prepare systems of mutual support and resilience as a solid foundation from which his son can truly thrive. When he’s not tending the community farm, you can likely find him out in the orchard deepening his Qigong practice.