February 28, 2023

Episode 1:

Origin Stories – Tending the Roots that Grow Us

Thank you for joining us for our inaugural episode of The SEEDS Podcast! 

Our names are Alia and Hayden and we are the Co-Founders of The School for Ecocentric Evolution & Design Strategies (SEEDS). Our primary mission is to sow seeds of a life-affirming world at the fertile intersection of the individual, cultural, and more-than-human ecologies.

Our intention with Season One is to explore and articulate how we’re making sense of these unprecedented collective times, what we see as the evolutionary invitation for our species, and what we can do as individuals and localized communities to design an ecocentric pathway toward a life-sustaining future world. 

In this first episode, Origin Stories: Tending the Roots that Grow Us, we begin by telling the story of our first meeting in the wild mountains of Colorado in 2018. We explore how this synchronistic encounter with one another during a 2-week pancultural Vision Quest ceremony catalyzed our sovereign paths of self-discovery, initiated our romantic partnership, and laid the foundations for our SEEDS project. We then go on to introduce some of the basic tenets and guiding frameworks informing our work and directing our efforts in theory and praxis. 

Thank you for being alongside us for this wild ride of finding our voices, sharing our visions, and calling out to other (r)evolutionaries. May this podcast be an act of creative service to further the healing and regeneration already underway within the hearts and minds of so many. Together may we midwife a next chapter of our planetary story. We’re grateful to be in it together!

Stay Tuned For Our Latest Episodes

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